Friday 1 June 2018


Coming to Regina is almost like coming home. We get such a wonderful warm welcome and everyone here is so full of life and loving adventures and helping. Need something done and you will be swarmed with volunteers. What a wonderful attitude these women have.
We had a lovely Tea this afternoon and all but a few arrived in spite of the wind and rain.
There were a few door prizes, speeches, stories and of course food.

Lunch was followed by wedding cake, somewhat similar to Harry and Meghan's! We celebrated the birth of Prince Louise and the wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan, the new Duchess (which is the highest royal title - other than Queen) Members brought baby items which will be donated to a local charity that is in need of supplies.

Sue and I were each presented with a lovely gift which was unexpected and so appreciated. The gifts came from one of the vendors who will be at the National Convention so save your money Jewels... you'll need it for all the shopping to be done.

After the Tea, Thelma and Louise were off to visit our dearly loved Mary Huber who was again unable to attend a CJCS event. Many will remember Mary who was once host of a prior National held in Regina, and a former member of the board of directors until health issues interfered with her live. There were tears and laughter and many hugs as we enjoyed our time with Mary. She is a very special treasure in our lives so it was such a joy to spend time with her.

Much to our surprise when we returned home to Pat's just after 6pm, we discovered that Pay & Gord were taking is to "The Cottage", a delightful restaurant, for dinner. They have been such wonderful hosts, even allowing us to do some laundry! I may never leave as the bed I am sleeping in is the most comfortable I've ever slept in! I also loved her washer and dryer - got the job done so quickly.

As I am about to say goodnight to you all, let me tell you that the rain outside is POURING hard. Our trip to Montmartre tomorrow has been cancelled as we've been advised by several that the roads are bad and the rain is expected to continue so we will head straight to Grenfell to the luncheon, but first a little stop to meet Marion at her favourite little shop. We will head off to Brandon or Winnipeg after lunch and see where we end up. For now, good night, sweet dreams!
a selfie at the Regina Tea
(I spent a long time this morning trying to do my hair but in this weather it isn't easy to dry then as we arrived at the hotel, we were caught in a torrential downpour and my hair turned to frizz. Thank goodness for hats!)

Lynda & Sue at Regina Tea

Some of the ladies at Tea

Pro Hockey Player - Marion P "ready for Olympics in Regina"

Host Joan

Marion is wearing her wedding dress topper with train (51) years old, her wedding pearls, her mother-in-laws purple Hat from her third wedding and her purple dress was purchased from Embellish Boutique who will be at the 2018 Convention in Regina.

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