Saturday 2 June 2018


More rain!
Actually it really hasn't stopped in past few days.
We have had nothing but cold, wind & rain since leaving Edmonton. Leaving Regina for Winnipeg and this will continue with us. Might have sun in or after Winnipeg we hope.
First rain Regina has had in a very long time so farmers are thankful but we're getting tired of it!  Ontario, please send us some nice weather for our drive? Thanks. We will be appreciative.
Don't forget to follow us on our Facebook Road Trip page and of course read about our adventures in our online blog.
" Thelma & Louise Cross Country Road Trip 2018"
Having a blast! Our Jewels are the best women you could ever hope to meet. We love you all.

Heard 2 Jewels will do a road trip as Ethel & Lucy and drive to Quebec Convention then on to NB & PEI.

Thank you all too for your support of our beloved Kelly.

Yesterday was a highlight when we had a reunion with Mary H. who has been very I'll the past few years. Hugs, laughter and tears. What a treat to be able to have a good visit with her.

Our hosts, Gord and Pat took us to dinner last night. Unexpected treat, and very much appreciated. Great food too.

So today we will clean out the car (what a mess it is) while we can "borrow" their garage and stay dry, then head off to meet Mariin and then to Grenfell SK for a luncheon at Vick's On One ( I think that's the correct name).

Stay tuned!

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