Saturday 2 June 2018

Grenfell SK to Winnipeg MB

A wet welcome

We backed my car into Pat & Gord's garage this morning and unpacked and cleaned out my car and then repacked it. ... the boxes for the convention that were to be left in Regina were of course in the compartment below the back so everything had to come out. It was POURING rain again/still thus backing into their garage. Then off we set for lunch at "Vicki's On 1" in Grenfell SK for lunch. CTV did a segment on the restaurant last night apparently.

We have a lovely visit with the Jewels of Grenfell. Unfortunately, not all were able to be with us today as many live on farms and were hard at work planting etc. There are 11 in this chapter all going to Quebec City!!! How awesome is that!!?!

Can you believe the nerve of this truck parking in front of the "Welcome to Manitoba" sign??
Makes it hard to take a photo as Sue zooms by.
So here we came across a wedding at the side of the highway!near Brandon. 53F and the crosswinds are almost blowing us sideways. It almost ripped my car door off earlier today when I opened it. 
Just entering Brandon, Manitoba on day 8 of road trip and still best friends

Sue took this photo as I drove the last hour or so into Winnipeg. It was nasty, foggy in parts, terrible cross-winds, and pelting rain like I've rarely ever seen. Oh, and cold!
Her comments:
So this was the downpour.....we stopped in Brandon for gas, potty break....nearly blown away, wind was crazy today....I had been driving, Lynda took over for last 2 hrs to Winnipeg and shortly after leaving Brandon, for at least 20 minutes...fog, torrential downpours........was horrible. Closer to Winnipeg, the rain lighten up to just a sprinkle to nothing by time we got to hotel.

So we are now in Winnipeg where we will stay for two nights and try to get some rest, and a little shopping maybe and see some of the sights.
Time to say goodnight!

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