Friday 1 June 2018


I have been posting photos on the Facebook page
but am behind here as it's been a very busy couple of days.
We left Edmonton in a downpour and after awhile the clouds cleared and by the time we reached Medicine Hat the sun was shinning.
In need of gas we stopped in the middle of nowhere at a Co-Op and filled the tank then decided to stop in Hanna AB as we knew we had a chapter there and needed lunch. Maybe we'd run into some "Jewels."  As we drove down the main street there was nary a soul in sight. We got to the end of town (we thought) and turned around stopped at a pastry shop. It was a quaint shop full of "odds and ends" and as we looked around a woman suddenly came up to us and said she too was a Crown Jewel. We asked if she lived here in Hanna and she informed us she was from B.C. Really, where? we asked.
Prince George and there were two members who had come to visit friends. We had a short visit and a photo taken of the four of us and then were directed to a Tim Hortons, down at the end of town. Off we went for lunch, so surprised to have run into Jewels from Prince George, not Hanna.

In Medicine Hat we had about 15 minutes to change and were whisked off to a dinner at a local golf club and Medicine Hat chapters (3 of them) went above and beyond (as you will see by the photos) to host an incredible event. Lots of prizes for everyone... games, great roast beef dinner, etc. Thelma even won the putting contest as she finally remembered what her husband has told her for years... keep you eye on the ball. You must check out the photos of all the fabulous decorations with "shoes" being the theme. They even had several pairs of red and purple shoes lined up and if any fit, they were yours to keep. Cinderella is alive and danced off in a pair of beautiful purple shoes. Others scored the red shoes.

After a night's sleep and a lovely breakfast at Elaine's, we were up and on the road. Packing the car in the rain is such fun.

We were so tired but had so much fun with the Medicine Hat Jewels... We met some awesome women and reunited with some we've met on cruises and at conventions.

We had to be in Maple Creek for an 11am luncheon. Leaving Medicine Hat at 9am we thought we had lots of time but it was pouring rain, very little traffic on the Trans Canada Highway, but - we misplaced the email that told us of a change of venue. We pulled into the little town of Maple Creek, following the map we had picked up at the Visitor's Information Center, All we knew was that we were to head to the Anglican Church so it was good we stopped at the VI Ctr.  Found the church and outside was a sign "funeral today". And no cars in sight. Where were all the Jewels?

I found a phone number for our host, and thankfully her husband was home but told us we were to go to the Senior's Ctr. across from the tire shop. Hmmm. Not much help. We asked for more information and he said it was off "Railroad" but in fact that street is really Pacific on our map! With that a car pulled up beside us and a beautiful sight was a lady in a hat who said "follow me" and we were off.

As we pulled up to the Senior's Ctr. (1/2 hr. late) we received a wonderful warm cheer and welcome from the Jewels of the two chapters who were hosting a luncheon in our honour. We had a lovely time but soon had to be on our way as we had to be in Regina by 5pm if not earlier and we knew we wouldn't make it. We didn't make it to Pat's but arrived at 5:15pm for the 5:30 dinner and of course were about the last to arrive. Jewels (and seniors) are never late when food is involved!

A great evening of ribs and chicken with the Regina Royal Court and then we followed Pat back to her home where she is hosting us for two nights.

Now to hit the shower as we're off to a "Purple Hat Tea" this afternoon. It's still raining but the Saskatchewan farmers are thrilled we brought them some rain!!

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