Sunday 10 June 2018

Missed A Few Days

What can I say but we are tired, and very busy.  We wake in the morning and either hit the road or prepare for an event. Unpack at a hotel in the evening and hit the sack, exhausted.

Our last day of driving was good but boring through the north and I'm not sure if we took any or many photos. A few cute little towns zipped by but of course as we got closer to Ottawa the highway traffic increased.

We checked into our hotel in Kanata, a quick shower and we did our hair and were off to meet friends for dinner. While we were in the restaurant, it poured rain outside and as we walked to the car I remembered what happens to my hair in the humidity of Ontario!! We were tired and we were thankful that it wasn't a late night. We crashed early but when I awoke, my hair was sticking out in ALL directions. A quick visit with my flat iron and off we were to meet Myrna and the Jewels in Ottawa. We met int he parking lot and discovered the restaurant wasn't open yet so Sue and I headed down to the Bay to the washroom. Needless to say on the way back we were side-tracked by a store called "Coats" and each bought a top. We had a lovely luncheon at East Side Mario's but I will say meeting in a restaurant is not my most favourite place as we couldn't talk "to the crowd" and it was an effort just to introduce each other, but at least we were all together and saw some familiar faces such as Mary Ann who drove in from Trois Rivieres (3 hrs away) and Lynda LaBerge and her Jewels - the Belles of Ottawa hosted a lovely event and we thank them!

At the car Sue took her luggage (well some of it, some she left with me) and Myrna added hers to my car and off we headed for Peterborough. "Louise" had been replaced!!!!!!!

Myrna and I checked into a hotel, then met Elizabeth King and Inge Rust at nearby Kelsey's for a dinner filled with laughter and Elizabeth and Inga entertained us with their laughter and frivolity. After dinner we tried to find a cake for the next days event but gave up and decided it was time for bed.

BTW - I'm writing this blog without my glasses which I left at home!

So it's time to give my eyes a rest!

Photos from Ottawa event:

Our beautiful Myrna

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