Wednesday 6 June 2018

Last night was my best sleep so far. My head hit the pillow and I was out. Sue awoke to the sounds of a train but I slept through it, but when the second train came through this morning, I awoke to the sound of it's horn blowing and as I looked out the cabin's window I saw a train that "appeared" to be coming right at us but there was a bend in the tracks and as he passed our whole cabin shook. It was time to get up as we had a very long drive ahead of us. Oh it was chilly! And the grass was very wet from dew. We got into a cold car, turned on the seat heaters and hoped the car's heater would dry our shoes - quickly!
It was a very long drive with a stop in Sault Ste. Marie for a quick lunch and gas, then onward. At times we drove along Lake Superior and later, beside Lake Huron, which brought back wonderful memories of boating at Gore Bay, Manitoulin Island, etc. in summers past.

Once again we had some excitement when we saw our second moose. Poor Sue hasn't seen a bear yet but as we are going around the top of Algonquin Park tomorrow, there is still time.

We stopped at Batchawana Beach to take some photos and Sue collected some sand. The sand was the usually brownish but closer to the water the sand was red. Quite unusual. We put our hands in the water and I thought it was fine but Sue said it was cold. And that is the difference between swimming in Muskoka versus Lake Okanagan in B.C.

Once again we seemed to be the only car heading east... the highway was quiet other than a few transport trucks but later traffic picked up and we hit a fair bit of construction.

We have arrived safely in Sudbury after our interesting night in Rossport and I must say our accommodations are much better tonight. Daniel Stern is in our hotel filming in the restaurant. Outside our window we have an entire catering kitchen in a truck. We found this out when we met some crew members when we went for a walk after our arrival. They offered us freezies! LOL What we really wanted was help from the hairdresser! OMG he was young & adorable. We just aren't his type though.

Tonight we unpacked most of the contents of the car so we could get some pins that were in the compartment underneath, and for once, clean up and out all the little bags and boxes and garbage so that Sue could prepare for her trip home Friday. Whether it will all fit in her luggage is very doubtful and some will be returning with me in the car.

Thankfully tomorrow is a "short" 4-hour drive to Ottawa and then dinner with friends after we shower and clean up. That might take some work!!!

Below are a few photos from today taken by Sue...

Wake up call...

Wawa, Ontario

Batchawana Beach, Lake Superior

Lynda's Photos...

Louise (Sue) "touching" Lake Superior

It's won't bite you Louise!!

rock cut through a bug-covered windshield
On the left of the cliff you can barely see the wire mesh that keeps rocks from falling
onto the highway. Lack of traffic heading east in front of us. Trucks rolling westward.
Quiet day on the highway.

a totally calm Lake Superior

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