Monday 4 June 2018

Hello from Ontario!

We were on a four-lane highway, driving all day in sunshine for a change, and then suddenly, welcome to Ontario - it's a two-lane highway! Come on Ontario, how about a nice road?
We were distracted by all the beautiful scenery in Ontario!

Dinner with the Kenora Royal Jewels. Unfortunately, several were unable to attend tonight's dinner. We had a lovely evening with those who did. 

We had to stop a few times for photos.
Do you think we were attracting attention as we drove across the country?
We had to replace our flags as by Winnipeg they were VERY tattered!

Sun setting on the cruise boat that we had hoped to take a cruise on this evening.
Unfortunately, it's not running mid-week.

Final sunset.... time to say goodnight. More on Kenora later.

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