Saturday 16 June 2018

Old Friends are The Best

Another evening spent catching up with friends, this time Elaine and Allan. Allan was the architect who built our country home in ski country and we have been friends with them I think more than 40 years because I am sure we met before Mike and I were married. Allan and Mike are "best buds" and have been through a lot together. It's always awesome to get together and reminisce.

We left at 5pm to try to get down 427 and across Gardiner Expressway for dinner at 6pm but it was almost 6:45 when we finally arrived. It used to be an easy 20 min. drive. Traffic was horrible but we later learned there was a very bad accident that had it all backed up. Jarvis St. is a street with a "variable" center lane. In rush hour there is a red or green light above the middle lane. We watched as one car drove up the middle on a red light and three cars who went into the red lane thinking it was a turning lane. Welcome to the big city.


Allan, Elaine and Mike (still wearing the "medal" that plays the theme from "Rocky" when you touch it.

Best buddies forever

CN Tower, downtown Toronto
I was working downtown Toronto when they announced that this was to be built and we all said we'd never go up it but of course we did! 

Toronto is building up and up, up up.

Tonight will be our last night in the city and we head up to cottage country tomorrow to spend the weekend with our "NEWEST JEWEL" and her husband. My friend Eileen attended the recent luncheon at the Peterborough Golf Club and joined us and bought herself a beautiful hat from one of the vendors.
I've repacked my suitcases and now to clean out the inside of the car!

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