Tuesday 29 May 2018

Well we missed a day - due to no internet and being so busy and when not, we were tired! (no surprise there!) I actually posted last night but perhaps I was so tired I forgot to click "save".  I've tried to post on here using my cell phone app but the posts haven't appeared.
Update - we didn't - I did post - it's on the bottom of the last post! LOL

We had a wonderful drive with good weather, to Calgary, arriving in time to check into the hotel and change clothes and off to the barbecue at Kelly and Carol's. What an amazing amount of work that went into planning this event. Prizes, food, games, decorations, etc.

We played a game where Sue and I had to roll a dice and move around large signs that said "flat tire", "stop for CJCS event", etc. Needless to say, it was a runaway for Lynda and then she just couldn't roll a "1" and Sue caught up and took the lead and won!

There was a fifty-fifty but we didn't win so congratulations to the Jewel who did win. Unfortunately, we're not sure who the winner was.

It was such fun for us to see so many familiar faces and to meet many new ladies whose names we knew, and now there was a face to go with the name.

They had a raffle for some great prizes and of course Sue won a fitness watch, and then she won a $300 Kitchen Aid juicer but Lynda assured her there was NO way that thing would fit in the car. Sue turned it back and another lucky Jewel was the winner. Believe it or not, Sue's luck continued (almost) as she was one number off on the next draw item. That lady is sooooo lucky!!

Calgary Photos:
Our host - Kelly Grant

Louise & Thelma with a collage made by Kelly's husband Mark.
View of Calgary's Olympic Park Ski Jumps, from our hotel room.

We met Kelly for breakfast the next morning for a little visit and it was most unfortunate to hear her report that when she arrived home, she looked in her purse for the money from the raffle sales and there was a $10 bill - only the $10 bill. "Someone" during the evening, went into her purse and removed $300!!!! We were stunned that a sister Jewel would do something so horrible. I had asked both Kelly and Carol if they had managed to break even on the event and they assured me they had but now, Kelly, personally, is out $300.00. How devastating to think anyone would do this to anyone!

At 9am we left for the north and enjoyed a nice easy drive to Edmonton where we found "Headquarters" a restaurant in Sherwood Park, where the Royal Court was meeting. Great name for the restaurant where they meet every month isn't it?

What a reception we had. Elaine Hill the Alberta Regional Rep. had come up from Okotoks and she, Sue and Lynda were presented with roses upon arrival.  I could write more but Colleen Murdock did such as awesome job writing about the meeting that I will take the liberty of sharing her notes with you.

Monday, May 28th, Headquarters Restaurant

As everyone arrived and said their “hellos”, they received a lovely little crown charm from Lynda and Sue. Once everyone was seated, the head table was introduced. This was followed by a few light-hearted jokes from Lorraine, and a rose was given to Lynda, Sue and Elaine.

Lorraine presented a small travel case to Lynda and Sue, which contained some travel “necessities” (diarrhea remedy, band aids, hand sanitizer, a flashlight, laundry soap, ear plugs, eye masks, breath mints, etc.)

Their car is decorated with road trip signage and is packed to the rafters, and they said they want to stay in Alberta, just because of the gas prices!!

Lynda shared some excellent stories about their trip so far. Apparently, Sue has phenomenal luck when it comes to draws and contests and wins more than her share. They were guests at a wonderful event in Calgary, organized by Kelly Grant, and Sue continued her winning ways. The event was a huge success but, unfortunately, the proceeds from the event were taken from Kelly’s purse. There was no way of knowing who was responsible but it is a sad reminder that we always need to be diligent when money is involved.

The Chapters were introduced, and everyone enjoyed chatting and visiting during the meal. Kudos to the staff at Headquarters for handling such a large group and not imposing a gratuity amount.

Marlene Dahl went over the details for the Teddy Bear Picnic tomorrow, and also won a door prize generously donated by Elaine Hill.

Myrt Lowrie, from the Garnet Girls in Fort Saskatchewan, won $31 in the “purple purse” draw.

Lynda and Sue presented Lorraine with a gorgeous crown pin as a “thank you” for organizing the lunch.

Before everyone left, they signed tee-shirts that Lynda and Sue had made as a keepsake. Lynda’s has Thelma imprinted on the front, and Sue’s has Louise. The back of each shirt says “Road Trip 2018”.

Marlene won a prize

Myrt won the money!

Lorraine, our hostess

Signatures on the shirt

Notice "Lady Canada" front and center!

and we're off for a new adventure!

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